Holkham to Brancaster

Holkham > Burnham Overy Staithe > Brancaster Harbour (Max. 6 Passengers)

On this trip we will head west and visit Holkham Bay, a beach that is privately owned by the Holkham estate and is used in lots of commercial films and photoshoots due to its beauty and seclusion. Gwyneth Paltrow filmed the famous beach walking scene for Shakespeare in Love here in 1999!

Once we have visited Holkham Bay, we will head to Burnham Overy Staithe, where Admiral Lord Nelson learned to sail. The beach at Gun Hill was used in the war for target practice, and you’re still likely to see discarded shells from the guns on the beach to this very day!

Our next stop is Brancaster Harbour. We will pass by the ship wreck the Vana which was deliberately sunk during the war and enter the sheltered harbour and head through the buoyed channel to Brancaster Staithe, which is a hub for the sailing community. We then head for home, with a view to Brancaster Golf Club, before heading east to Wells harbour.

.Life-jackets supplied for all passengers

.Not suitable for children under the age of 5 or pregnant passengers


2 hours

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Adult: (13 yrs +) £65

Child: (5yrs-12 yrs) £50

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Time of Departure

All start and end times are tide dependent.

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Departure Point

This is on the East Side of the Quay opposite the White Chandlery building. We will meet you on the Quayside and take you through the gated pontoon access to the boat.